Thursday, January 29, 2009

thinking about it doesn't do any good

a few things i've done and will think twice about doing again.....

1. leaving my gym clothes in the car while i'm at work all day. when you finally get off work and really unmotivated to be at the gym..putting on freezing cold clothes doesn't help the cause. for a second it wakes you up and then you realize i'm freezing cold and you know what the does to the nips and sports bras...damn nothing to hide there. women in spandex you're not turning me on i'm freaking cold and can't warm up. thanks anyways.

2. avoiding cleaning out the fridge...because it has to happen and the less things growing in the fridge the less smelly they are when you have to throw them out.

3. the constant breaking of wine glasses. dammit! i've mastered how to wash them without getting them to shatter but the whole just living in the same room as a wine glass hasn't worked out so well.

4. continually hitting the snooze button to be rushing out the door and realize....why the hell is there someone parked behind me?!?!? and be even more late

5. try to rub someones back or be there for them in the same room while they're barfing doesn't make them feel better...cause when i throw up too it just gets worse.

there are many things that could be added to this list. the saddest part of it all is that they've all happend more than once....why? cause i procrastinate and i'm forgetful. so much for next time

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