Wednesday, December 24, 2008

might be getting a little more grown up

so i've gotta say it's a little weird when you grow up and start to make your own Christmas traditions. Not going home this year because really...i'm at home.
it's this weird balance of really being able to take what tradtions you did as a family growing up and deciding which ones you want to keep.
i'm making christmas dinner for the whole family cause i thought i'd be nice and ambitious but i can see how it needs to get spread out every once and awhile.
i'm not gonna be typical and complain about the commercialization of Christmas and how expensive everything is...cause really if i'm buying i'm buying....i'm buying right to complain there.
but it is almost crazy how much i love getting gifts. a little sick i guess. oh well.

so this christmas will be what it'll be.

first for this christmas:

being married
having chico
moving the day after
having family over
not seeing any of my family until way after
possibly being a little more grown up.

well then bring on the rum and a little bit of eggnog

Monday, December 22, 2008

one night in Zambia - Happy 25th BDay Mrs. Dreger

one night in zambia there was shift in my life
little Mrs Dreger and i were so so so alike.
the artistic flare, easily offended, outspoken and always loving like we'll never get hurt but getting burned sooner or later.
we wrote some songs together. it was always a mishmash of who was writting the words and who was writting the melody.
she's another friend i've played chicken in the game of life...she held me to what i was talking about and didn't just let my words be BS. she challenged me.
She was there when I called off my engagement
She was there when i left to hitch hike across Canada...but only made it to middle of nowhere SK.
She was there for burn out
She was there for me trying to figure out where I'm going....still working on that one
She's a perfectionist
We've loved and hated eachother....
We've traveled through Western Canada and Africa together with a little stop in Germany
She's put up with my ranting and raving
she's amazing
she's an epic woman

so Ashley after i just read your list of 25 things to do when you're 25 this is what i'm gonna say.... you can do them all. Don't stop playing piano or painting or dancing or having perfect printing!
Don't change your mind on moving to Vancouver... I personally think Kelowna would be a better choice.
I can't wait to see you again. We'll write songs again together soon. And besides that i hope I can do something else on your list with you...accept catch a fish.... I'm really not about that.
Happy 25th Birthday

love - Kayelo (how could i forget)

a bit over the top

So i think to get through this next week i'll need to go to costco and buy a case of redbull.
Somehow this time of joy, bliss and merriment has turned into insanity. i know understand a bit of the craziness why my mom would stress out and do things so far in advance. and if you're complaning because you (insert relatives names here) haven't gotten your christmas card yet....just shut up. this year i did cards and i've never done cards before. I think next year no cards. what are hand cramps good for anyways? nothing.

so we're three days from sucks none of my family is around this year so it's me and the inlaws. good good. and yes we're moving again...why because bottom line if the jean don't fit you don't buy them or you take them home, try them on again and return them. this place didn't sleep, no privacy and no comfortability. it is what it is. now somehow in the next 4 days i need to make Christmas happen and pack us up and move. we'll be good after it's all over.

today my mom pretty much saved me and sent me a step by step how to do christmas the way our family does it along with a grocery list of what to buy. i'm pretty sure she just saved my ass.

all the best to you and yours... if you have any left over redbull send it my way

Friday, December 19, 2008


so today we get CHICO.
Really i see how some people are seeing my excitment and giving me that look.
The what the fuck are you so excited's a dog
well let me tell you...
it's been a tough year and when you have one of these an animal, a few bottles of wine and a friend can really help.
There's this inner intuition that pets have.
They know when you're feeling like crap and they don't ignore it.
It's amazing to have the unconditional love
the ear that will listen and not give you funny looks or get offended
really i want to be a like a dog...they know what they know about people
dogs are like babies....if you're scarry they don't want to be around you or they cry
i need that.
i want that inner sensor that goes off when someones gonna be a freak and be a shitty friend in the end.

anyways today we get Chico. we were there the day he was born and it's been amazing to watch him grow. this sounds crazy because he's not a child. but i love him. i can't imagine what it would be like to have children....but kids are more work
i figure since i handled a plant now i'm on my way to a dog and when i master that we'll move on to step at a time.

so please don't take my excitement as psychosis...there have been amazing things this year and terrible things too...this is another amazing. i need this year to balance out.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bikram HOT mother effin YOGA!

i come out from work and there's D waiting for me...we're on our way to Bikram HOT mother effin YOGA!

first warning...i got to check my car and get my 'yoga gear' and somehow this morning in my bleary eyed state i picked up the wrong bag....however this one did contain my bathing suite and a towel so from what i had only seen in pictures at this point i could've fit right in. but do i really want to bare all that freaking skin/fat and fit in quite yet....NO! so at this point we're not going to give up. i call phil...wonderful husband who willing runs to walmart, buys me new workout clothes and drops them off down town where D and i had just finished our orientation***


Ok so there are those points in your friendship where you want to try something new and one of you brings up the idea...provokes you. and if you're lucky like and all of your friends are so stubborn that once you come up with the idea and say yes no matter what happens...what it looks uncomfortable you ones backing down. it's like playing chicken out of love. anyways a week or so before D and i were talking about trying something new. Being active but we both wanted to try something we've never done before thinking oh God we'll never make it at the instead of starting at the shallow end we dive straight into the deep end of sweat. it seems harmless D finds a deal go twice a week if you've never been before for $20. we're in...not a huge financial commitment and really who would've thought too much further..... there was the scaring experience of buying tight ass work out clothes...who wants to see themselves in clothes that tight in florescent lights....not me...but i made it.

now reading the instructions it's a little erie but comeone who's gonna back out now? WHO'S GONNA BE THE CHICKEN? neither of us....

so here are the rules.....

be completely silent
focus on yourself in the mirror the whole time
hydrate alot (take half of your body weight...divide it in half and drink that many OZ of some of you may be lucky but for me that was a heck of a lot of water)

so we're back....after the forgetting of the stretchy clothes fiasco, completely hydrated and an orientation of breathing excercises the instructor says something that at first listen sounds harmless but in hindsight....why didn't i over think this one?

"Make it your goal more than anything to not leave the room"

so here we the change room where i haven't seen that much bottom since the bottomless party scene from Harold and Kumars escape from Gutanamo Bay...(not recommending that movie) we made it in the clothes...we make it to the room and i'm pretty sure the instructor separated us on purpose.....which i'm pretty happy about because i wouldn't have not talked if there wasn't someone between us.

So 105 degrees & 90 minutes later....our bodies have been stretched to their limits, our lungs are greatly expanded....part of it did feel when she tells you to stare at a fiber on your towel...that part was good. my head was pounding.....mascarra smeared everywhere, clothes soaked and feeling i'm pretty sure the most disgusting i've ever felt in my life....but we did it. we stared in the mirror....we made rediculous sounds while we breathed and at the end were shocked when everyone chanted Namaste.

leaving felt alright because we were out of that temperature...sore but not too bad....but waiting for the next day was sore but ok... then there was the day after.....

i felt sick....and we were making a plan of going...then D pipes up with stories of mold in lungs and hospitalization....all the sweat on the floor....THE FLOOR WAS CARPET! When you're in there focusing on the humidity, the mirror unfortunatly and the temperature you're not thinking about the buckets of sweat thats going on the CARPET! basically it's a bacterial breeding ground.

from then the discion was pretty clear that we were never going back......