Wednesday, November 26, 2008

voices of the female persuasion

Alright so here is my list of Lady voices i'm loving lately....

Kate Nash
Rachel Yamagata
A Fine Frenzy
Leslie Feist
(Chan Marshall) Cat Power
PJ Harvey
Laura Viers
Keren Ann
An Horse
Coco Rosie

So there for today are just a few. If there are any you haven't heard of listen to them... and if there are any for me to listen to comment and i'll give it a whirl

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

my thoughts on 'intimacy'

so we're back to the bloc party we know and love. intimacy truly is a marriage of the silent alarm and the tracks off of it remixed by M83 & Mogwai.
this is good for bloc party because if it kept going the way of 'weekend in the city' we wouldn't be listening for too much longer. there were parts of 'weekend in the city' that i loved but too often i was reaching for the next button.
so welcome back.
i have missed you...

who's next?

Thursday, November 20, 2008


so the house is almost all unpacked. almost all the paintings are hung up...i still need to get pictures developed for the frames that have the faces in that they came with but pretty much things are pulling together. things are here are a few of my favorite things as of late...

university online radio stations
parking wars
most things in a tortilla...honestly it just tastes better this way
the fact that i know that even though there are now UGG hats... they're UGGly
having a set schedule
an awesome husband with a relentless sense of humor
that phil shaved his face before no shave november was over as my going away present because he was going away...
mighty leaf tea
wolfe blass or antelope ridge
the fact that i apologize a little less now for things that aren't my fault
another chair in our living room
gift cards from our wedding which were spent on christmas decorations
CHICO was born... 4 more weeks and he's ours
being there for 3 of my closest friends as they go through this whole engagement process
being front and centre
late lunches that make the afternoon go by quickly
inspiration to paint again
friends to paint for
purple coats
hair dye in my bathroom that i need to get up the courage to use
new music
pashmina weather

there's a lot to love

now children do be buying of the ugg hats or you'll be cut off

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

do i think i'm god?

so tonite i'm at home by myself because phil's out of town. i'm feeling sick and i'm thinking well a little dr.mario would make me feel better.
so i set up the wii....realizing since we've moved i need to reset up the internet something or other. i do that. i think i do alright and i go to wii shop and i have to download something else or do an update....oh geez. i set up the update and it starts...but there's the little hand on the screen because i'm pointing there. do i need to keep holding it? do i keep the little hand on the screen? does it matter?

am i god...can i make these things work by just sitting there and holding the hand on the screen? after about 10 mins and not much i text my good friend zach....after laughing at me a little bit he says no. more time goes by and noting then it dies. oh well.

on the bright side i have taken cold medication and am on my way for a glass of wine

Thursday, November 13, 2008

there are such things as stupid questions

do you ever feel like things that you don't do but are subject to drastically change you?
for example most days that i have here at work i feel like i'm getting drastically more stupid because of the retarded people i have to deal with. sure i'm freaking out here and now but when i'm on the phone with them or e-mailing back and forth i feel that little by little they are sucking the life out of my brain. if i really have to e-mail you back one more time telling you that i just sent you the correct invoice. i'm gonna loose it. i may have to get in my to the airport. have phil shell out the cash to buy me a plane to montreal and scream in your face.

when i don't have a face to face relationship with someone....being i'm talking to them on the phone, msn or e-mails through work i always somehow imagine what these people i'm talking to look like. on the days they're nice to me, easy to get along with and not being stupid i always imagine them moderatly nicely dressed. "hair looks great...lynne", smelling good and we're good to go. then there are the days when the stupidity has over-ridden everything....the clothes are in shambles, your hair sucks and you smell. how did this happen. my nice creative pleasent imagery went from having you as someone to love to someone i really wouldn't want to go for drinks after work with.

the plesantries begin to have tone.... you know when you were in elementary and they told us all that there's no such thing as a stupid question? well that rule doesn't apply anymore. there are stupid questions so please refrain from asking them.

now that the rant is over....purpose being so that when i go home today i'm not super pissed about the people i've dealt with still.

yesterday i broke a record at work. i processed 53 orders in one day. to some of you that may not seem like a lot but it really is. by the time i was done i was ready to go home for the day. i felt like my brain had been used as a trampoline. it felt good though knowing even though i haven't been here that long that i can get it done. i wonder if i'll be bored of this fast. i'm not bored of the hours or the pay....just repetition without nice people or social interaction can be a bit tough.

that's all i've got for today...

*also - everyone one should listen to "sunset rubdown"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

it's beautiful, it's ugly & it's still making music

so i've been thinking a lot lately. what heals the soul? is it time? space? business? writting? a vacation? a cleanse...oh god. for me to have the wounds of my soul it takes a lot of letting go. it takes me pushing myself beyond worrying about other people or even how i feel in that moment. we're talking about process right. when i get hurt, someone pisses me off etc etc i have to really take myself out of the situation....

so i have this 3& 1/2 ft by 5 ft canvass. it's been blotted on for awhile. today i need to spend some time with it. i need to get some things out and make some mess.

the weather outside is really how i've been feeling this last week. it's windy like crazy, kind of raining, the clouds are in and it's freaking cold. i can hear the sirens too. beyond all of that there's a set of chimes on our porch. it's beautiful, it's ugly and it's still making music.

Monday, November 10, 2008

hello almost new sweater...

so the internet went down today at work for 4 & 1/2 hours. Nothing to do. I mean less nothing to do than there usually is. So I decided to pick all the little green fuzz balls off my sweater.
downside....longest day of my life
upside....just like new sweater